If you know you are meant for more in life, but feel overwhelmed, guilty and full of self-doubt, then the universe has led you to the right place! You need a safe space to learn how to manage all those negative and self-critical thoughts with someone who understands and won't judge. I've got you. I have helped hundreds of women just like you transform their mindset to become master manifestors by blending my background in Manifestation techniques, Spiritual practices, Somatic Release exercises and practical Life Coaching skills anyone can learn. 

When you are hard on yourself it is difficult to manifest. That's because mastering manifestation requires that you learn how to FEEL worthy, abundant and loved. And all feelings are created by our THOUGHTS. Without learning how to truly tame your Inner Critic, manifesting will be full of struggle. Manifestation requires that you: Identify and release the stories that create blocks. Release shame, guilt, doubt and lack mentality. And shift your vibration from negative to positive. I will teach you how to do all this!

It’s always been about mindset 

The only thing standing in your way of manifesting what you want is the voice of the Inner Critic

Raise your hand if any of this sounds like you...

...it probably does, but let's just see if I can read your mind :)

You have all these big goals you've been dreaming about. 

All you want is to be successful. 

But you keep sabotaging yourself
and can't figure out why.

You try to stay positive, yet
you find yourself constantly complaining.

You feel frustrated and hopeless.

"What's wrong with me?"

You beat yourself up at night for procrastinating. Again.

you vow to yourself that tomorrow you will be more productive and work on
your goals. 

 But A few days go by and you haven't made much progress.

You want to be successful so
badly, yet are feeling stuck.

"why do I keep doing this?"

You find yourself complaining about having to do it all, feeling trapped or that its
Just all too much. 

You feel exhausted and
drained. It feels like you just
want to run away.

Deep down you know
something needs to change.

This isn't the life you imagined. You know you were made for more.

"I don't know what to do."

Did I read your mind? I thought so.

That's because not only have I been through exactly what you're struggling with, but I've also coached hundreds of women to help them understand why this happens, how to break the cycle and how to finally start manifesting all the abundance and joy life has to offer! 

Did I read your mind?
I thought so.

Raise your hand if any of this sounds like you... 

I've helped women 

( It probably does, but let's just see if I can read your mind )

just like you...

Feel supported and learn how to create more love and compassion for themselves. 

Prevent or recover from burn-out. 

Learn how to manage their mindset so they felt less stress and more joy and abundance. 

Get clarity on why they over-react in relationships and how they can experience deeper connections.

Manage stress and overwhelm so they can tap into the positive vibration required to manifest.

Learn how to not take themselves or life too seriously! How to have more fun and be more spirited, creative, energized and motivated.  

Learn how to tame their inner critic and start manifesting what they really want.

~ Jessica V

"Lisa made it easy for me to learn more about myself & believed in me. Most importantly, She helped me to believe in myself"

~ Rose S

"Lisa's style of coaching doesn't just tell you what to do, but gives you the tools to figure it out for yourself!" 

~ Marianne V 

Lisa is kind, compassionate and tough love all rolled up in one! She's able to clearly help me see what I'm avoiding. She has a strong gentleness about her, but She doesn't act like she knows it all.  I am grateful for the work she does!   ~ Marianne V

I believe in you.
Things can get better. 

You just need someone who's done it
to show you the way.

I am here to help you.

It's time to learn a different way. I learned how to drop the guilt, stress and overwhelm and today I experience more ease and joy. Because I blended practical Life Coaching skills with Spiritual teachings, Manifestation practices and Somatic Release exercises, I was able to create a life full of joy, abundance and inner peace. 

I'll show you how to experience that same kind of freedom.

How would it feel if more motivation, creativity, joy and inspiration flowed to you? 

How would it feel if you lived in a state of gratitude, abundance & prosperity?

I believe in you.

Things can get better.

You just need someone 
to show you the way.

I am here to help you.

sign up for a free coaching session Below 

The best way to see if coaching can help you
is to try it for yourself. 

More testimonials

The amount of progress and growth I experienced while working with Lisa was unbelievable! I've worked with a handful of Life Coaches in the past but Lisa was the first coach that truly gave me TOOLS to help me work through self-limiting beliefs. Lisa felt like a breath of fresh air!

Lisa is a very skilled, wise, direct, intuitive and uplifting coach. She brings all these qualities to her coaching along with her own personal experience of overcoming many of the same obstacles. She has walked the walk. A session with Lisa always leaves me with a better understanding of any unhelpful beliefs blocking my path, as well as a clearer plan on how to move past them. I am so grateful for her mentorship.

Lisa helped me break through self-limiting beliefs. I was always letting outside circumstances control my mindset. Lisa is someone who will ask you these amazing questions that you didn't even know you needed to ask yourself! She will empower you to create the life you would like to have. all with a sense of humor that will help you lower your barriers and be your authentic self.  With Lisa's help and the insightful questions, I have been able to move through situations in which I was previously stuck.

Lisa is truly an amazing coach. She has helped me tremendously to manage my mindset and reach my goal weight! She holds a space of compassion, yet she doesn’t hesitate to call me out on my own bullshit when needed . She has the intuitive ability to see any problem and help you get past your blocks. She helps you to become the witness of your mind to achieve the results you want in your life and live in the present moment. I have been so grateful for her intuitive coaching over years.

Since working with Lisa, my mindset has shifted tremendously. I think more clearly and handle stress more effectively, Every day is not perfect, but in the moments where I feel overwhelmed, I know exactly what to do. With the tools Lisa has taught me and her wise advice, I am having success and I am so incredibly grateful.

Leia L

Rebecca T

Amanda B

Tracy M

Candace C

Ashley L


Lisa  helped me think about things in a different way - there's just something about the way she says things. Her voice is so calming that it puts you at ease. I had so many  “aha moments“ from her shared wisdom that has made me have a new outlook on whatever I am struggling with.  I cannot thank Lisa enough for what she has done for me in the few short years I have worked with her.