...Who is Lisa Hansen anyway?!

who is lisa Hansen anyway?!

My Story 

I promise I won't tell you the details of my entire life. That would basically be a book..and could quite possibly put you to sleep!  

But I will tell you that when I mastered the skill of changing my thoughts and subsequent feelings, my life was forever changed. Choosing to make this my practice led me to being able to manifest inner peace, prosperity and abundance on purpose.

You deserve to hear about how my life changed, because I believe it's completely within your potential to create this for yourself as well.

You deserve to be living the life of your dreams. 

Like many, I grew up believing life is about getting a good education, followed by a stable career. Next you get married, buy a house and have some children. This was the formula for happiness. So off I went to college, then worked hard to land a corporate job with a reputable title and good income. There was a ladder to climb and all my focus went into the journey to the top. I was making really good money for someone in their 20's and my family felt satisfied and proud. I was checking all the boxes. 

The only problem is I never fit into that box. That box left me feeling miserable, stifled and depressed. I didn't like being told what to do, what my hours had to be and what my pay limit was. I didn't realize back then how limiting this box was and didn't allow room for my innate creativity and innovation. All I knew was how I felt: suffocated and trapped. 

So at the age 29. I did the "unthinkable". I quit my corporate job. Everyone, especially my parents, basically thought I was bat--shit crazy. Insane may have been the word ;)

It may sound cliche, but I was faced with two paths - follow the one I was presented with or make my own. Clearly, I made the choice to pave my own way. I didn't know what this path had in store for me, but I knew I felt freedom and that is all that mattered to me. 

At age 29, my desire was to create my own hours. In all honesty, my driving force behind this is I wanted to start work at 10am! So I quit my corporate job and launched my first successful entrepreneurial business as a Holistic Health Practitioner. This was my first taste of freedom of time. 

At age 33, my desire changed to healing relationships and manifesting healthier ones. I wanted to heal my relationship with my parents, manifest romantic partners and create healthier friendships. I embarked on a spiritual journey to heal inner wounds and manifest how I desired showing up for others in my life. 

At age 40, my desire was to raise my earning capacity. As a single mother, my daughter was now 3 years old child and I was about to go on food stamps and welfare. I decided right then that I wanted a different path for us. I wanted to know what it was like to earn a multiple six-figure income. And I wanted a prosperous life for my daughter. This is when I launched my second super successful entrepreneurial business (because you know I wanted to hold onto that freedom of time!). This desire manifested in the form of Network Marketing, something I would have never foreseen. Yet because I was open and receptive to however it manifested, it was able to come to fruition. I surrendered to the Universe knowing better to me and relinquished control. All I had to do was hold the vision. And we never did go on welfare or use a single food stamp.

At age 48, my desire was to manifest purchasing a new home for myself and daughter. I held the vision of what I wanted. I healed any limiting beliefs and wanted the purchase to be smooth and trouble-free. I manifested exactly what I envisioned and the transaction was smooth start to finish. 

At age 51, my desire was the start another six-figure business. I knew I wanted to help others manifest their hearts' desires. I knew the way and it was time to show others and help them believe in themselves. Everyone as this ability, we just need to be shown how. 


What I have successfully manifested for my life (so far)....

I'm ready to manifest!