I should play with my kid more.
I should lose weight.
I should make more money.
I shouldn't yell at my kid.
I should be a better mom. 
I should be better at reaching my goals.
I should feel more grateful. 
I shouldn't watch so much Netflix.
I should be more patient. 
I should get along better with my mother.
I shouldn't have done that or said this.

I used to beat myself

The problem is I was letting my Inner Critic run the show and I didn't even know it. I kept TRYING to manifest the things I wanted, but couldn't figure out why it was such a struggle. No matter how hard I tried, I simply wasn't manifesting the life I truly desired. Deep down, I knew things could be different. And I was right!


changing was possible for me.
It's possible for you too.
I'll show you how.

Everyone is capable of manifesting.
You just have to be willing to learn how to
think and feel differently on purpose.

work with me

All this pressure left me exhausted 

The problem is I was letting my Inner Critic run the show and I didn't even know it. I kept TRYING to manifest the things I wanted, but couldn't figure out why it was such a struggle. No matter how hard I tried, I simply wasn't manifesting the life I truly desired. Deep down,
I knew things could be different.
And I was right!

..and completely drained

...and completely drained

Hey there, I'm lisa!

I am a Certified Life & Mindset Coach who helps women just like you discover the mindset blocks sabotaging their ability to manifest what they truly want.  

The way I coach is different from other Life and Mindset Coaches. With my background as a Spiritual Teacher for over 20 years, I offer a powerful blend of Spiritual self-inquiry, Manifestation teachings, Somatic Release exercises and practical Life Coaching tools to help you transform your mindset and your relationship with yourself. You simply cannot create the vibration necessary to activate the Law of Attraction with a strong inner critical voice and negative thinking. You must learn how to fully love, approve and accept yourself first to tap into the universal flow. Learning how to FEEL worthy, abundant and loved IS the key to unlocking the power of manifesting what you truly want for your life!

As a Certified Life and Weight Loss Coach, I have coached hundreds of women who have a desire to nurture a more positive mindset and outlook on life, overcome anxiety, heal relationships, become a more peaceful mother and manifest what they truly want in life.  

Coached hundreds of entrepreneurs to overcome self-doubt, procrastination and self-sabotage who were able to then build their online 5-6 figure business. 

Spiritual Teacher for over 20 years with expertise on manifestation practices and guided meditations.  

Experienced Facilitator for The Work of Byron Katie, a spiritual self-inquiry practice to quiet the incessant chatter of the mind and bring forth inner stillness and peace. 

Somatic Release Coaching to help identify and remove energetic blocks stored in the body and calm a dysregulated nervous system. 

Master Reiki Practitioner to help hold an energetically calm space for healing and growth. 

My Experience 

Hey there,
        I'm lisa! 

My Experience

i used to beat myself
up over everything

Wanna hear my story? 

~ Amanda B

"I have never had a better Life coach than Lisa. Many people will tell you what to do, but it’s rare to find someone who can help you discover for yourself what’s holding you back."

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My daughter is the most important person to me in the world. I LOVE being her Mom! Growing up, I did my best to let her know she is seen, heard and worthy. I taught her how to cope with all her emotions simply by allowing them. I am a great Mom. I used to think I wasn't because I would sometimes yell. But I have learned that good moms sometimes lose their cool. And I have also learned how not to react to life's demands that way anymore. I can't remember the last time I over-reacted. Because of Life Coaching, there is so much more ease, grace and harmony in our home. She has reaped the beautiful rewards from the inner work I did! What a gift we can give to our children - raising up our own selves! 

I used to think Motherhood was hard until I learned that was just a story in my head. I changed that narrative and practiced new beliefs that Motherhood is a wonderful spiritual journey.

"Some people come into your life and you are never the same"

~ Carol P

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Anyone who knows me knows how much I love dogs!  Phoebe on the left is our Rescue. She is half German Shepherd, half Corgi.  She looks like a miniature Shepherd!  She came to us terrified, jumpy, all cut up and very nervous all the time.  A few months later, lots of love and lots of patience, and you would never know! 

Isla Joy on the left is our Golden Retriever baby.  She is a bundle of love and never leaves my side.  Like never ;)

Phoebe and Isla love to play fetch and wrestle together, practically all. day. long.  They keep me busy and on my toes! 

p.s.  Phoebe is named after Phoebe Buffay.   

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We love to travel!  Some of our favorite cities in the US are: Boston MA, Savannah GA, Portland ME, Miami FL, Fort Lauderdale FL, Jensen Beach FL, Nashville TN and NYC.  Speaking of New York City, one of our all-time favorite activities to do together is to take the train in to see Broadway Shows.  We have seen Wicked, Beetlejuice, Cinderella, Percy Jackson and Beauty & the Beast.  Next up is The Lion King.  I saw it before she was born and cannot wait to see it together!   We have also traveled to St Maarten, St Thomas, Mexico, Bahamas, St John and St Lucia.  Our bucket list includes Amsterdam, Italy, Scotland, Ireland and France... to name a few!

What's on your bucket list?  Can't wait to find out.  

more about me!