Lisa is a wise mentor who skillfully challenges you to think outside of your self-limited thinking box. 

I often come to my sessions feeling confused with a mess of thoughts. Lisa patiently listens, and is magically able to simplify all of it. She is able to make me feel completely free to say anything without judgement of any kind. I’m so grateful for Lisa and the help and encouragement she's given me. I strongly recommend her.

Lisa is hands down WONDERFUL. What a blessing to change your mindset. She has a way of helping you get to the route of your issues and transform them. Thank you Lisa for opening my eyes!

Anyone can teach you the tactical strategies you need to know, but Lisa has changed my entire MINDSET about myself, my life and my goals. She helped me rewrite old scripts that played on repeat in my head and limited my results. I will forever be grateful she came into my life and changed me so much.

Lisa is exceptional at opening your eyes to the thoughts that are determining so much of the direction of your life. She is easy to talk to, asks amazing questions and truly invests in your overall success. I am so grateful to be working with Lisa.

I can’t really explain the kind of switch that happened in my mindset from working with Lisa!

If you’re looking for a Life Coach - Lisa is THE ONE! She’s not the kind of coach that is going to tell you to think happy thoughts and you’ll feel better - she’s the kind of coach that is going to SHOW you what you are creating for your own life. Sometimes I wondered if she was a mind reader - she seemed to know me and what was going on without me having to say much!

Working with Lisa helped me become more in tune with my emotions and realize the power of my thoughts. She encouraged me to believe in myself and strengthen not only my journey of self love and acceptance, but also challenge me to grow outside my comfort zone. I am forever grateful for her thoughtfulness and the way she can shift my mindset after only one session!

Lisa is a fantastic coach with a lovely, calming demeanor. She is able to take my complicated, detailed, messy stories and get right to the underlying issue by asking amazing questions that help me to see how I am creating my own negative results. She gives me the space and the guidance to find my own wisdom. 

Lisa has the rare gift of being able to coach with profound insight. She has a talent of holding space. Her confident yet humble nature makes her one of the best coaches I have ever had.

I was immediately drawn to Lisa's calm and peaceful nature. She helped me identify several self-limiting beliefs that I didn’t even know I had, and helped me alter my self-talk and thoughts into a more positive manner so I could chip away at what was holding me back. Lisa celebrates your successes and encourages you to drive for a path of continued progress. I’m grateful for everything that she has taught me.

Lisa has a warm and calming sense about her. She is genuine and provides constructive insights in such a positive way. I appreciate her energy and her willingness to always help me grow into a better version of myself.

Lisa taught me I AM ENOUGH! ...exactly the way I am at this very moment as an individual, mother, wife, friend, sister etc. Whenever self doubt creeps in, I think of Lisa and it always gives me the strength I need to move forward with my goals positively and confidently.

There is no doubt in my mind that Lisa's coaching absolutely changed the course of my life. Her style of coaching doesn't just tell you what to do, but gives you the tools to figure it out for yourself. To me that is invaluable. Thank you Lisa for helping me see that I had it in me all along and for never letting me give up on myself! 

~ Alecia Z

~ Jessica B

~ Lisa H

~ Lisa R

~ Delene O

~ Christina K

~ Courtney B

~ Carol P

~ Betsey K

~ Jenna L

~ Jaishree S

~ Julie S

~ Meaghan E

~ Rose S grateful
